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GPM has constituted over the last Forty plus years where their experienced leadership, enable us to grow while into a full service real estate company. We respond to your properties needs by customizing services that provide strong business solutions. We continually look for new systems to service our owners, properties, residents, and associates in effective and efficient ways.

We are proud to offer all-inclusive management services for your property concerns and needs. Each area of management plays a vital role in combining our expertise in order to benefit your business.

The internal teams are as follows:
  • Accounting
Adaptability is key to achieving success. So we provide financial information to our owners the way they want it. We maintain strict financial standards while providing world-class service, internal controls, and accurate and timely reporting. Utilizing online reporting and electronic transmission.
  • Education
Education is key in staying current in the market. We promote and support our associates in gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully manage our clients' properties.
  • Human Resources and Payroll
Human resources and payroll at GPM provide outstanding support to our associates by offering benefits that are sought after. All associates participate in Fair Housing and Sensitivity training.
  • Maintenance
Maintenance is among our most important responsibilities as a third party manager with a prospective of owner. Each team advises and coordinates capital improvements, with our extensive knowledge to improve asset protection, expense management, vendor preference and bulk purchasing.
  • Marketing
Marketing identifies services that drive traffic to our properties, provide training to enhance our associates' marketing skills, and create an winning sales experience for the prospective resident. Optimize the highest return on advertising investments.

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